2 Types Spine Board Price Philippines

Are you in search of a reliable spine board price Philippines? Look no further!

When it comes to selecting the right spine board, understanding the different types available and their standard sizes is crucial.

But how do you choose a quality spine board that meets your requirements?

We’ll guide you through the selection process.

Plus, we’ll reveal the current spine board prices in the Philippines, allowing you to make an informed decision that fits your budget.

Don’t miss out on finding the perfect spine board – let’s dive in!

Types of Spine Board

The use of a spine board is part of trauma management.

A spine board or also known as a spinal board is designed to provide support during movement or to improve posture.

Spine board price Philippines heavily depends on the type.

1.Long Spine Boards

Long Spine Boards

Long spinal boards (LSB) are used as a device to move patients in EMS.

It has straps to secure the patient to the board to prevent further spinal injury.

LSB can also be used for a patient who needs to be escaped from an area, such as an accident or fire.

Long spinal boards are typically made of wooden or hard plastic material with a narrow end.

It has multiple handles and spine board strap to keep the patient secure.

LSBs are commonly 2.5ft to 3ft wide at the head and 2ft wide at the foot.

2.Long Backboards

Long Backboards

Long backboards offer rigid spinal immobilization for any person with limb or spinal injuries.

These boards are commonly used by ski patrollers, lifeguards, or ambulance staff.

Spine board price Philippines varies depending on the manufacturer.

Some long backboards come with additional features, such as offset pins, spider straps, built-in runners, and more.

These features affect the price, so you may want to choose the features based on your budget.

3.Short Spine Boards

As the name suggests, short spine boards come with a shorter length that allows for use in closed areas.

These boards support the cervical and thoracic spine until they can be transferred to a long spine board.

What is the Standard Size of a Spine Board?

A medical backboard has a standard size to ensure safety.

A long spine board should measure around 72 inches long and 18 inches wide and weighs around 12-15 pounds.

Meanwhile, a short spine board ideally measures about 32-34 inches long and 18 inches wide.

A short spine board consists of two sections: the headpiece and the body.

The headpiece measures about 8 inches wide and 12 inches long while the body comes with strap holes.

It measures 18 inches wide and 20 inches long. Short spine board price Philippines is typically lower than a long board.

How to Choose a Quality Spine Board?

There is an extensive range of spine boards from different manufacturers available on the market.

Consider several aspects below when choosing a spine board.

  • Materials

Spinal boards are made of various materials, such as hard plastic, wood, PE, and X-ray translucent materials.

Each material has its own pros and cons.

While hard plastic is lightweight, wood is a durable option. Choose a material that meets your preference.

  • Type

There are different types of spinal boards to choose from, such as long backboards, long spinal boards, and short spin boards.

Before you purchase a spine board, be sure to understand your need so you can make a better decision. 

  • Features

All spine boards are built differently.

Choose a product with additional features that you may need during the evacuation.

However, features are closely associated with the price so you have to put a lot of thought into it.

  • Price

Spine board price Philippines is another thing to consider when choosing a spinal board.

The price is relatively affordable but you can inquire about insurance coverage if the spine board is covered.

The more features you get the higher price you should pay.

Spine Board Price in Philippines

Spine board price Philippines may start from ₱1,900 or higher depending on the manufacturer, type, and material.

The product may charge some extra cost for additional features, such as spider straps, X-ray translucent, and tapered backboard.

A spine board or backboard is a handling device to carry a patient as a part of trauma management.

There are different types of spine boards that affect spine board price Philippines.

Consider several aspects like materials, features, and type when choosing a backboard.

References : hospitalsstore.com , medictests.com

Originally posted 2023-07-15 19:37:13.