2023 Liposuction Price Range Philippines

Liposuction Price Philippines – Liposuction is a surgical procedure for removing fat in areas such as the hips, abdomen, thighs, arms, buttocks, or neck. This area can be shaped with liposuction.

Liposuction cost in the Philippines is Php 50,000 to Php 150,000 and goes up according to the patient’s needs.

Why Do You Need Liposuction?

When you are overweight, the volume of fat cells also increases. Using the liposuction method will reduce fat in certain areas.

The amount of fat sucked up depends on proportional needs. Contour changes will remain as long as the body weight is stable.

When the liposuction is complete a new skin contour is formed. If the skin color and flexibility are good, then the results will look good, and vice versa.

Liposuction surgery does not change the dimples in the skin or stretch marks, because the treatment is different.

You must be in good health and not in a condition that hinders surgery, such as impaired blood flow, coronary arteries, diabetes, or a poor immune system.

How Much Is Liposuction In The Philippines

How much does liposuction cost? You can do liposuction in the Philippines with cost for liposuction Php 75,000 to Php 200,000 according to the patient’s wishes.

Factors That Affect The Cost Of Liposuction In The Philippines

Lots of clinics that treat skin problems offer liposuction.

The factor that makes the price change is usually the area that will get action, is it a difficult and risky area? More difficult it is, it will be more expensive. Insurance also affects the price.

Type Of Liposuction Technique Used

  1. Tumescent liposuction is the most common liposuction procedure. The doctor injects a sterile solution made from a mixture of salt water to remove fat, gives an anesthetic so it doesn’t hurt, and epinephrine which makes blood vessels narrow for the treatment area.
  2. Ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL) is the new generation of UAL, namely VASER-assisted liposuction with tools to improve skin contours and reduce the risk of skin injury.
  3. Laser-assisted liposuction (LAL). The technique uses a high-intensity laser beam to break down fat and remove it. The surgeon uses laser fibers in small incisions above the skin and then emulsifies the fat and removes it through a cannula.
  4. Power-assisted liposuction (PAL). Liposuction with a fast back-and-forth cannula allows surgeons to withdraw fat more easily and quickly. PAL has a more painful effect and there is swelling in the treated area which makes doctors have to be able to do their job better. Use this technique if the amount of fat is large enough and your doctor is an expert and you have had liposuction before.

Number Area Of The Body Being Treated

Liposuction is the suction of fat in areas of the body that are not affected by exercise and strict diets.

So there are at least about 7 areas in the body that are generally at risk of having the fattest deposits that will get liposuction. Including:

  1. Stomach Area
  2. Upper arm area
  3. Buttocks
  4. Calf or ankle
  5. Chest or back
  6. Hip to thigh
  7. Chin or neck

You can also use this procedure to reduce breast size or to treat gynecomastia.

Nearest Clinic Or Hospital

Please find out at the nearest hospital or clinic that provides liposuction services. It would be easier to ask about the liposuction pricesto beauty clinic or a dermatologist because this is related to that, here’s the list.

  • Calayan Clinic
  • Belomed
  • St. Luke
  • Caraderm Clinic
  • Beverly Hills Medical Center

Promo Packages Liposuction

Promo on the cost of liposuction will be obtained by people who have more than one or many action areas.

Because there are many areas and there will be many costs, you can ask for waivers or ways to get a discount.

Originally posted 2023-01-31 14:48:38.

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