Update! Eardrum Operation Cost Philippines

Are you curious about the eardrum operation cost Philippines? Your search end here!

Eardrum operations, also known as tympanoplasty, can help restore hearing and alleviate ear-related issues.

The cost of eardrum surgery in the Philippines can vary depending on factors such as the hospital, surgeon, and procedure complexity.

On average, eardrum surgery can range from ₱180.050 to ₱500.000.

In this article, we will explore the different types of eardrum operations available, address safety and pain concerns, provide a comprehensive list of hospitals offering eardrum surgery, and explore options for affordable costs.

Regain your hearing and improve ear health with eardrum surgery options tailored to your needs.

Is Eardrum Surgery Safe?

Eardrum surgery is a surgical procedure to repair a hole in the eardrum or tympanic membrane.

This surgery is quite safe with a high successful rate between 75-90 percent.

Eardrum operation cost is considered high though it varies on several factors like healthcare institution and severity level.

Is Eardrum Surgery Painful?

Tympanoplasty or eardrum surgery is performed under general or local anesthesia.

Local anesthesia means the surgeon will numb your ear area while general anesthesia will make you sleep during the operation.

This makes the procedure less painful though eardrum surgery cost can be higher.

You may experience mild and intermittent pain in the surgical area during the first two weeks.

This is completely normal and you may take a pain medication as prescribed by your doctor.

You may also feel some symptoms like swelling, dizziness, fever, and ear discharge.

Please keep in mind that your type of anesthesia affects eardrum surgery cost in Philippines.

A procedure performed under local anesthesia is typically more affordable than one with general anesthesia.

Types Eardrum Operation


Myringoplasty is a repair procedure to fix a small hole in your eardrum.

The doctor will patch the hole with a gel or tissue which usually takes around 15 minutes to 30 minutes.

This procedure can be done under local anesthesia in the doctor’s practice which leads to lower eardrum operation cost.

Eardrum repair surgery cost for myringoplasty is the most affordable of all because the severity level is mild. It also has the highest success rate.


If your eardrum’s hole is larger or if you experience a chronic ear infection, tympanoplasty is a procedure to solve the issue.

It must be performed in the hospital and under general anesthesia. How much is eardrum surgery for tympanoplasty?

The answer depends on your condition and where you get it.

During the procedure, the surgeons will remove tissue in the middle ear.

Then, they take a small piece of your muscle sheath or vein tissue and graft it onto your eardrum to patch the hole.

The surgeons can either make a small incision or go through the ear canal which may affect the eardrum operation cost.

How Much Does Eardrum Surgery Cost in Philippines?

Damaged ear drums can be repaired in most hospitals in the Philippines because they have supporting facilities and technologies to perform the procedure.

How much does it cost to repair a torn eardrum? 

Tympanoplasty price in the Philippines starts from ₱180.050 to ₱500.000.

Eardrum hole surgery cost may vary depending on the healthcare institutions, professional surgeons, and medications.

Major hospitals with professional doctors may give you higher costs.

How much is a new eardrum? Eardrum surgery does not give you a new eardrum. Instead, it repairs the damage by patching the hole.

Hospital List with Eardrum Surgery

There is a long list of hospitals that accommodate eardrum surgery.

Be sure to inquire about the eardrum operation cost in the institution because eardrum hole surgery cost in Philippines varies widely.

  • Asian Hospital Medical Center
  • Chinese General Hospital
  • Cardinal Santos Medical Center
  • Makati Medical Center
  • St. Luke’s Medical Center
  • Cebu Doctors University Hospital
  • Beverly Hills Medical Group
  • World Citi Medical Center

Options for Affordable Cost of Eardrum Surgery

Perforated eardrum surgery cost Philippines is high-priced and you may be unable to afford it.

There are two options to get lower eardrum operation costs, including PhilHealth and health card.


PhilHealth might cover certain aspects of the surgery, such as the doctor’s fees and operating room.

Using your PhilHealth account can help lessen the amount of cost you should pay for the surgery.

2.Health Card Coverage

Some HMO companies in the Philippines offer health cards that cover specific surgeries including tympanoplasty.

This is a brilliant solution to cut the eardrum operation cost.

Reference: healthline.com

Originally posted 2023-07-02 18:21:23.